Call To Action

It’s one of the most important parts of any digital marketing message and the latest ad by McDonald’s ft. Coca-Cola ft. Mindy Kaling is the most obviously stated call to action I think I’ve ever seen in a TV commercial; “GOOGLE THAT PLACE WHERE COKE TASTES SO GOOD!”

The answer to your google search? McDonald’s, who are now selling any size Coke for $1. Yes, McDonald’s is the company behind the ad, not Coke as you may have thought. (An example of co-branding, yes, but that’s a topic for another day.)

The ambiguous messaging used “that place where Coke tastes so good” juxtaposing the clear call to action “Google it” is marketing genius IMO. How can you not follow Mindy’s order to Google the phrase? I know I had to… And when I did, the red and yellow color scheme and consistent any size $1 messaging all clicked. Coke tastes SO good at McDonald’s… DUH!

It turns out there are actual reasons why too. Reasons including stainless steel containers, specific temperatures, and wide straws. You go McD’s, you go!